Patrícia Santos Pedrosa

Patrícia Santos Pedrosa Architect, feminist, researcher, teacher, activist and mother (not necessarily in this order).
Guest Assistant Lecturer (University of Beira Interior). Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ISCSP, University of Lisbon). Head researcher of the W@ARCH.PT - Architects in Portugal: construction of visibility project, 1942-1986 [PTDC/ART-DAQ/32388/2017].
Patricia is Founder and President of the Women in Architecture Association (Portugal). Master in History of Art (FCSH-UNL, 2008), PhD in Architectural Projects (ETSAB-UPC, Catalonia, 2010) and postgraduate in Feminist Studies (CES/FL, University of Coimbra, 2016).
She is the author of several published books, chapters and articles, and attends various conferences, congresses and international seminars.