Pablo Figuera

Pablo Figuera (Madrid, 1988), Degree in Design from Elisava, Bachelor of Arts from the University of Southampton and Postgraduate degree in Design Management from the UPC, founded in 2012, together with Álvaro Goula, the Goula / Figuera studio, from where they develop design contemporary product for companies, limited editions and creative consulting. In 2018 Goula / Figuera launches the GOFI brand of household products with a first collection created by the studio. GOFI's catalog is distributed internationally and in 2020 the editor and studio win the Gold Delta with the Fa Mini luminaire. Parallel to his work as a designer, he has been teaching since 2013. His work has appeared in international publications, has been exhibited in cities such as Stockholm, Frankfurt, Madrid or Milan, and has been awarded, among others, with the Design Plus, the Injuve, the Red-AEDE Critics Award or the Lexus Design Award