Jorge López Conde

Jorge López is currently Deployment Chief Manager for the New European Bauhaus at the European Cluster Alliance and an expert in "Architecture, technology and demographic challenge" at the Cotec Foundation for innovation as a driver of economic and social development. Selected as one of #Los100deCotec, the network of experts to analyze the great social, economic and technological challenges facing innovation. Founder of the agency El Futuro where we have created www.observatoriodeladespoblacion.com and curator of the exhibition "The City of the Future: from the Garden to the Table" at CentroCentro Palacio de Cibeles. He directed the Design and Technology department of the Norman Foster Foundation and created the LOTOCOHO jewelry brand. My professional practice has been developed in offices such as Herzog&DeMeuron, Andrés Jaque OFFPOLIN, FloresPrats, Cero9, or in places such as World Central Kitchen.