Data: 11 de março de 2023
11 de março de 2023
On 11th of March, Roca One Day Design Challenge held its 7th edition in Portugal, this year back to normal, hosted at the Lisbon School of Arquitecture. Over 320 participants were challenged to come up with innovative ideas for the bathroom space following a brief given at the start of the day.
They were asked to design a product or solution that may help daily hygiene habits (toilet, wash, shower) in catastrophes or natural disasters, adding elements or functionalities that make life easier for the respective users, allowing privacy and guaranteeing the sustainability of the solution.
After reviewing all entries, the jury decided to select Hygibucket as the winner of the contest. The jury chose the project because it reflects the spirit of a catastrophe. It is a practical and versatile solution. A project with attention to details at the execution level. The project was an idea of João Queirós, student of School of Arts and Design Caldas da Rainha (ESAD.CR).
The second prize was awarded to Bernardo Pereira and Rodrigo Santa Rita, students at Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. The jury select Emergency Hygiene Unit for its good presentation, good design, easy to understand, easy to transport and to disassembled.
The project On The Go, created by Joana Gonçalves and Miguel Lamas, students at Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon University wasawarded the third prize. The jury highlighted the multifunctional piece, a compact solution, excellent to storage and easy to transport.
Projetos premiados
Galeria de imagens

Jorge Vieira
Jorge Vieira is the Managing Director of Roca, S.A. since 2009, where he also worked in Sales & Marketing, from 1991 to 2006, having also held the position of Managing Director at Roca Argentina, S.A., from 2006 to 2009.

Pedro Novo
Pedro Novo graduated from Universidade Lusíada in 2003 and opened his practice pedro novo arquitectos the same year; at the same time, he started collaborations with MVarquitectos and Pedro Mendes Arquitectos in Lisbon, and later architect Carlos Castanheira in Porto. During that time, he took part in several projects in Lisbon and South Korea, namely, a University designed by Álvaro Siza Vieira and Carlos Castanheira. In 2014 he received the award for Best Architectural Practice in Portugal and has been among the 50 best architectural practices in Portugal, as listed in “Construir” magazine since 2017. During the last decade, he designed an extensive and diversified body of work, mainly in Portugal, and currently has projects under way in Spain and completed work in France and Guinea-Bissau. He worked on various projects for private housing programs, public equipment, and temporary structures. Currently, he is undertaking intense work in partnership with associations and city councils developing content for exhibitions on themes connected with architecture. During the last decade, he has exhibited several times in Portugal and abroad.

Isabel Dâmaso
PhD in Product Design by Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon University (2007), Isabel Dâmaso is at present Head of Product Design Department at the same Faculty. There she took her Product Design Degree and is teaching since 1998. She also holds a Master Degree in Industrial Design by Faculty of Architecture of Oporto University (1998). As a designer she received several design awards and participated in exhibitions in Portugal, Spain and Germany. Her main areas of research are Design Studies, Design Culture, Circular Design and Curatorial Practices in Design.

Susan Cabeceiras
Born in Toronto, Canada, where she spent her early childhood. Susan Medeiros Cabeceiras grew up in the Azores, on the island of São Miguel with her parents. Later on, she studied in Lisbon, where she chose to live and work.
She has always been fascinated by Architecture and creating spaces environments. She finished her architecture degree, specializing in the area of industrial licensing, retail and services. Security Technician, Fire Safety expert, and with a Master in Commercial Management (Sales Management). Susan Cabeceiras started her own company “Konceptness” in 2009 and thus started her entrepreneurial path.
Since 2018, at the dawn of one of the first cannabis companies in Portugal, Konceptness has led the startup and implementation of the project. Since then Konceptness has supported 5 projects on various fronts.
Konceptness is a market leader in building consultancy for industry, with experience in residential, commercial, services, health and leisure buildings. The team has over 20 years of market experience in Architecture, Engineering and the Environment.

Rosana Sousa and Sofia De=Francesco
Rosana Sousa and Sofia De=Francesco are two designers from Porto who simultaneously started their first contact with Equipment Design at Escola Artística de Soares dos Reis. Throughout the following years they went on different directions. Rosana took the Industrial Design bachelor at Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave while Sofia went on a Product design bachelor at Escola Superior de Artes e Design. Both have then complemented their education with a postgraduate in the field of product and graphic design.
Since 2018 got back together and have since collaborated on several Urban Furniture and Design projects, getting the attention of the media after being awarded with 1st prize at InovDesign 2019 promoted by Fundação Serralves.
Furthermore, they have been creating with a view to bold and well-thought-out designs, taking into account themes such as sustainability and innovation, for a more conscious and inclusive future.
With the collaboration of: