Michael Leung

Michael founded MIRO with Rony Chan in the Netherlands since 2010 and now based in Hong Kong. The collaboration started after they completed the IM masters course at Design Academy Eindhoven. MIRO’s works explore different aspects of design from crafts and industry to design systems and sustainability. They are designing and exploring design in different levels and disciplines, from 2D to objects to spatial.
His works have been shown during Milan and Dutch Design Week, DMY Berlin, Vitra Design Museum and other international design exhibition and museum. He is also lecturing and leading workshops in education institutes. Michael is the awardee of Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award 2008. With recent collaborations with Vitra Design Museum (DE) and V&A (UK), including curatorial works and exhibition design, MIRO’s creativity is reflected in the form of exhibitions as well.
梁展邦 Michael 與陳凱納 Rony 在荷蘭 Design Academy Eindhoven 設計碩士畢業後開始合作,於 2010 年創立設計工作室 MIRO。現以香港為基地。MIRO 的作品探索不同方面的設計,從工藝及工
其作品曾在米蘭及荷蘭設計週、柏林DMY展及其他國際設計展覽和博物館展出。梁展邦於2008年奪得「香港青年設計才俊獎」。隨著作品涉及策展項目和展覽設計,以及與不同的博物館合作,單位包括維特拉設計博物館(德國)和 V&A(英國),MIRO的創意亦體現在不同展覽項目上。