Mario Ruiz

Born in 1965 in Alicante, Spain, the designer Mario Ruiz graduated in Industrial Design at Elisava, prestigious University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona. Mario began his professional career in 1995 with the opening of his own studio in Barcelona. His multidisciplinary skills and experience in various fields have allowed him to gain the trust of more than 120 leading companies worldwide (Siemens, Steelcase, Teknion Studio, Offecct, Lapalma, Thomson, etc.).
The work of Mario Ruiz has been exhibited at fairs in Europe, the United States and Japan and has been recognized with more than 40 important awards. In 2016 he received the prestigious National Design Award, granted by the King of Spain, Felipe VI and the Ministry of Economy. He has also received Silver Delta awards, granted by the Industrial Design Association of Barcelona, ADI-FAD. In Europe and the United States he has received numerous awards from Red Dot, IF, Design Plus and Wallpaper.