Krzysztof Chróścielewski

Designer of industrial forms and academic teacher in Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź for 26 years. Head of the department of new product development in Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Krzysztof Chróścielewski is the author of many projects of visual communication systems, packaging, interiors, exhibition and fairs stands, popular graphics. Developed products on the international market: Delta, Steca, ETA, Lincoln Electric, Behr, Hansa, Gram, Kaiser. Key clients are Amica, Zelmer, Niewiadów, Cersanit, Łucznik, Bester, Konex, Recalart, Elcamp, Common, Dytrych, Bumera, Sanit-Plast. Key clients of visual systems: World Traditional Karate-Do Federation, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Polski Związek Karate Tradycyjnego, Dojo Stara Wieś. Since 2008 cooperates with Industrial Institute of Design in Warsaw carrying out design workshops on Total Design Management studies and implementing many other programs.