Horacio Sardin

Architect and visual artist. Associate Professor of Architecture and Architectural Theory at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires. Author of the books “Homo Urbanicus-Homo Naturalis” (Bisman&Robles) 2004, “Arquitectura y Libertad” (Architecture and Freedom) (Bisman Ediciones) 2008, Taller Roca-Sardin (Roca-Sardin workshop), 2009, Monografía Weber sobre la producción del “Estudio del Puerto-Sardin” (Weber monograph on the production of “Study of the Port-Sardin”) 2014. “Paisajes de Utopia” (Utopia landscapes) 2018.
Projects and works built in the country and abroad. Winner of multiple architecture awards. He has published articles in the most important specialized media. He has carried out architecture and art exhibitions and given lectures in national and international media. He has participated in radio programs related to urban issues. He has participated in solidarity actions and in the development of social housing for underprivileged people. Member of the group La Raíz Rioplatense. Member of advisory boards and juries of the SCA.