Hernan Maldonado

Hernan Maldonado is an Argentinian architect and university professor, who graduated from the School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of Buenos Aires.
He is a Professor at the MLDND Taller Maldonado FADU UBA, Professor of the Postgraduate FADU UBA "Rethinking Modernity" and has been a Professor at the School of Architecture, University of Palermo, Visiting Professor at Roger Williams School of Architecture, Art and Historic Preservation, Rhode Island, USA and at the IUAV Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, Italy. From 2014-2018 he directed the Centre for Asian Architecture Studies at the University of Palermo.
Since 1997 he has been a member of KLM Kelly Lestard Maldonado Arquitectos. Winners of numerous awards and mentions in national and international competitions, including 1st Prize at the International Competition for the Beijing Science and Technology Centre, China, 1st Prize at the National Competition for the Aysa Corporate Building, 1st Prize at the Coneau Building Competition, 1st Prize at the National Competition for the Rawson Undersecretariat, 1st Prize at the National Competition for the Comodoro Rivadavia Palace of Justice associated with Baudizzone Lestard and 1st Prize at the International Competition for the Barrio 31 High Rise Park associated with AldayJover España.
Along with KLM Arquitectos he has received the Vitruvio Emerging Generation Award, the Garnier Award to the Young Generation under 40, the Ventanas al Futuro Award, the Honourable Mention SCA-CPAU 2000 Architecture Award and the Young Generation Award Argentina 12th Biennial of Buenos Aires.
He has been a juror at national and international competitions and curator of architecture exhibitions. He was a member of the Court of Honour of the Central Society of Architects (SCA) and an elected Councillor of the Professional Council of Architecture and Urbanism of Buenos Aires (CPAU).
He is the author of the books “Taller” (1st Prize “Ensayos Inéditos” 12th Biennial SCA CPAU), “Miradas sobre Beijing” (Declared of Interest for Social Communication and Culture by the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in April 2019), “Imágenes del Viento” (“Publicación Inédita” mention at the Biennial Award SCA CPAU 2007), and the audiovisual piece “Preludio” (Mention at the 13th Biennial Award SCA CPAU 2008).
He was distinguished by the University of Buenos Aires for his “Academic Excellence” in 2019.