Arch. Rado Todorov

Director of RT Consult
Arch. Rado Todorov has graduated his secondary education in the high school of fine arts with a specialty in “Graphics and Painting”, afterwards he graduated Architecture at the University of Architecture, Construction and Geodеsy in 2002.During his education and until 2004 he has worked as a freelance architect at different projects in Germany, USA, Izrael and others.
In 2005 he created the architectural company RT Consult, which is one of the leaders in the architectural market in Bulgaria up to this day.15 years of experience and a team of nearly 50 talented professionals are behind the name of RT Consult.
10 years ago RT Consult has expanded its activities beyond the Bulgarian borders. First, with the opening of an office in Sofia-Buro International, then in Germany-SoMu Architects, England and Dubai.
RT Consult’s Portfolio includes architectural projects in all directions, in Bulgaria as well as abroad:
-industrial buildings
-residential buildings
-community buildings
-retail outlets
-urban planning
-interior design