Agnieszka Kalinowska-Sołtys

Architect, partner and member of the board in company APA Wojciechowski Architects. President of Association of Polish Architects (SARP). Member of The Program Board of UNGC Poland. Member of Jury Council of Contest in SARP. Graduated Architecture and Urban Planning on Technical University in Warsaw, Poland, graduated also postgraduate course: Management of Projects in Warsaw School of Economics and Management of Estate, faculty: Economics, on Warsaw University of life Sciences, (SGGW).
Since 2010 she has been eligible in BREEM or LEED certification of buildings. She is also auditor of Certification systems of Green House and member of verification council in certification process of Green Building Standard. Took part in many rewarded projects of office and commerce buildings designed according sustainability requirements. Co-founder of country-wide association supporting sustainable buildings (OSWBZ). Triple winner of contest: Top Woman in Real Estate 2018. Since 2019 mentor and support in program Top Woman, where shares her experience and knowledge with young women starting their professional lifes in property business.
She is author of many publications on green buildings and sustainability in Cities. Moderator and participant of many discussion panels during conferences and lectures on sustainability in construction business. Idea of green buildings has accompanied her for over 18 years in professional life as architect ad in private life. She has taken care of natural resources and no waste idea. This is priority for her.